Samantha Sansone has put together Through Our Eyes - Short Stories Told By The People Who Helped Build The Pittsburgh Hardcore Scene, an endlessly entertaining and fascinating book on the history of Pittsburgh hardcore. I was humbled to be asked to contribute to the book and find later that my offering is the opening chapter, despite the fact that I can't be credited with building the scene or building much of anything. Hopefully, my chapter encourages the reader to read on. No pressure!
The big book release show was at Preserving Underground in New Kensington on October 14, 2023, with sets by Cemented in Fear, Hurtpiece, Power of Fear, and Passover. Following are photos and a video from the show by yours truly, from back in the safe zone. Cover and poster art by Chris Smith, provided by Samantha. Sorry but I couldn't stick around for Passover. Even so, what an unforgettable night!
The big book release show was at Preserving Underground in New Kensington on October 14, 2023, with sets by Cemented in Fear, Hurtpiece, Power of Fear, and Passover. Following are photos and a video from the show by yours truly, from back in the safe zone. Cover and poster art by Chris Smith, provided by Samantha. Sorry but I couldn't stick around for Passover. Even so, what an unforgettable night!
Pittsburgh, PA
October 15,2023
Pittsburgh, PA
October 15,2023
Didn't get the book? You still can. Send $35 to one of the following apps:
PayPal: @samanthaxsone
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Cash App: $samanthasansonebook
Cemented in Fear
Page last updated 11/29/24
Links last checked 2/13/25