Unless otherwise indicated, all photos on this page courtesy of Nick Zeigler, from the Leonards' show at the Electric Banana on 10/7/93.  Scroll all the way down to see more.

All flyers on this page courtesy of Bill Munz.

1/2/93 - Geezer Lake
1/23/93 - Living Rooms * Henchmen
1/24/93 - Christmas of Torture * Afterlife * Witch Hunt

2/5/93 – French Maid * Egypt * Mount McKinleys
2/6/93 – Eviction * Frampton Brothers
2/7/93 – After Life * Funeral * Lividity * Crystal Bone
2/12/93 – Cruel * 100 Inch Mud Bowl * Thick Head Grin
2/13/93 – The Cynics * Frampton Brothers
2/14/93 – Silent Thunder * Witch Hunt * Christmas of Torture
2/19/93 – Rose Farm * Acumen
2/20/93 – Cowslingers (read)
2/21/93 – The opd * Speech Impediment * Clockwork * Scapegrace
2/26/93 – Deli Bandits * Earthworms
2/27/93 – Feral Family * Zuokes
2/28/93 – Vox Humana

3/12/93 – Linus * Henchmen * Christmas of Torture
3/13/93 – Frampton Brothers * The Crackhouse Jazz Quartet * Hungry Bill
3/14/93 – Doom Sayer * Silent Thunder * Witch Hunt * OPD * Speech Impediment
3/19/93 – One Beat Off * The Addicts
3/20/93 – Thickhead Grin * Sleep Theater * July
3/21/93 – Straight Jacket * Arctic Nightmare * Kidwicket * Peach
3/26/93 – Schleprock * The Rowdy Bovines * Peach
3/27/93 – FP503 * Henchmen
3/28/93 – Christmas of Torture * Apperation * Fatility * Rottrevore

4/2/93 – Critics * Mace * The Living Rooms
4/3/93 – Making Faces * Monkey House
4/4/93 – Mutant Speed * Clockwork * Christmas of Torture * Crystal Bone
4/9/93 – Barefoot Serpents * Painted Mice
4/10/93 – Frampton Brothers * The Crackhouse Jazz Quartet * Mount McKinleys * Hungry Bill
4/16/93 – Rowdy Bovines * The Addicts
4/17/93 – Wanda Crone & the Leather Pharoahs
4/18/93 – OPD * Relapse * Esterie Edge * Think Gutter
4/23/93 – Thickhead Grin * Huevas Rancheros * Mt. McKinleys
4/24/93 – Frampton Brothers
4/25/93 – Drop Dead * Coma
4/30/93 – Neighborhood God * Drag

5/1/93 – The Fantastix * Subsonics
5/7/93 – Naked Apes * Thickhead Grin * Drag
5/8/93 – Graveyard Junkies * Painted Mice * Buzz Fish
5/9/93 – Lethal Prayer * Sathanas * Rottrevore * Fatility
5/14/93 – Barefoot Serpents * Lugnuts * Rowdy Bovines * The Addicts
5/15/93 – Making Faces * Cravin’ Dogs
5/16/93 – Dr. Stein * Gish * Peppers Ghost * Buzzball
5/21/93 – Wormhole * Soul Magnet * Ice Boxers
5/22/93 – The Cynics * Rowdy Bovines * Liverball * The Right
5/23/93 – Lurch * Zen Skunk * Urban Relapse
5/28/93 – Fellon * In Raged * Radiation
5/29/93 – The Addicts * Trash Vegas
5/30/93 – Straight Jacket * Coma * Vendetta

6/4/93 – Bent * Crow Files (with Minette Seate) * Liverball
6/5/93 – Screw Tractor * Protocol
6/6/93 – Apparation * Funeral
6/11/93 – The Attics * Skablins * Barefoot Serpents
6/12/93 – Lugnuts * Clang * Bare Flat Feet
6/13/93 – Bleeding Heart * Signal 30 * Life in a Blender
6/18/93 – Left For Dead
6/19/93 – Eviction * The Attics * Society’s Pirates
6/20/93 – Demonic Assault * Lurch * Nacho Hoagie Hat
6/25/93 – Come Daddy Pisco * Lugnuts * Rowdy Bovines
6/26/93 – The Obvious * Trauma Camp * The Flesh Pistons
6/27/93 – Dr. Stein * Vendetta * Disturbance * Victims of Society * Plastic Man

7/1/93 - Scapegrace * Disciples of Agriculture * Liquid Brick
7/2/93 – Trash Vegas * The Meatheads * Torn and Frayed
7/3/93 – Sun Raw * The Rolling Stones (Matt, Bob, Doug, & Bill)
7/4/93 – Stump Grinder * Funeral * Demonic Assault * Apperation
7/8/93 - Sleepyhead Go
7/9/93 - Lords of the Highway * The Addicts
7/10/93 - Trash Vegas
7/11/93 - Pipe Dream * Nacho Hoagie Hat * Sybal's Mother * Meat Karnival
7/23/93 – The Addicts
7/24/93 – Monkey House * Scapegrace * Diamond Haze
7/25/93 – Scapegrace * Diamond Haze * Moral Minority
7/30/93 - Trash Vegas * Torn and Frayed
7/31/93 – Steam Donkeys * Lugnuts

8/5/93 - Crush Nova
8/6/93 – Barefoot Serpents * Mystery City
8/7/93 – The Cynics * Thickhead Grin
8/8/93 – Blind Side * Edie Heads * Never Head * Vendetta * Little Purple Fuzzy Things
8/13/93 – Thickhead Grin * Melvin’s Green * Vile Geezers
8/14/93 – Trash Vegas * Drop Kick
8/15/93 – Sybil’s Mother
8/18/93 - The Karl Hendricks Trio
8/20/93 - Ritual
8/21/93 - A.T.S. with Minette Seate & Heather Clang * E.D.O. * Water Shed
8/22/93 – Neftwitch * Funeral * Masochistic Slave Children
8/27/93 – Shadow Men * Polego * Hungry Bill
8/28/93 – Society’s Pliers * Pucker
8/29/93 – Malice Green * Liquid Brick * Fake Bare Flat Feet

9/3/93 – Pucker * Burning Bridges
9/4/93 – Frampton Brothers * Boogie Man Smash * Mount McKinleys * Hungry Bill
9/5/93 – Pig Today * Nobody * Suburban Blue
9/10/93 – The Addicts * Skablins * The Howards
9/11/93 – Nothing Like Vaudeville * Blue Shadows
9/12/93 – No Tomorrow * Coma
9/17/93 – Talisa * Inraged
9/18/93 – The Cynics * Man or Astroman * Woggles
9/19/93 – Life
9/23/93 - Life
9/24/93 – Scapegrace * Cold Mentality * Hungry Bill
9/25/93 – Eviction * The Addicts * Wormhole
9/26/93 – Sabagery

10/1/93 – Boogieman Smash * The Pundits * Swansons
10/2/93 – Vile Geezers * Father
10/3/93 – Inhumane * Genocide * Slamwitch * Terminal Velocity
10/7/93 - The Leonards
10/8/93 – A.T.S. * Potholder * Mommy
10/9/93 – Moe * A.T.S.
10/10/93 – The Mentors * Freak Show * Dead Orchestra * Scapegrace
10/15/93 – Dancin’ Linda * Thickhead Grin * Barefoot Serpents * Frampton Brothers
10/16/93 – Eviction * The Addicts * Brick Mistress * Drama
10/17/93 – Sabagery * Fatal Uprising * No Tomorrow * Mount of Offense * Vendetta
10/22/93 – Powder Keg * The Addicts
10/23/93 – Frampton Brothers * Hungry Bill
10/24/93 – Bezoar * Klamp
10/29/93 – Stompin’ Pomedores * Cher-uk * The Molines
10/30/93 – The Cynics * Date Bait
10/31/93 – Stump Grinder * Skeletense * Rottervore

11/4/93 - Scapegrace * The Addicts
11/5/93 – EDO * The Molines
11/6/93 – Barefoot Serpents * Painted Mice * Swirl
11/7/93 – Mount of Offense * Bezoar
11/9/93 - Boy/Girl * July
11/12/93 – Naked Blow Fish * Toast
11/13/93 – God Bot * Conduecent
11/14/93 – Savagery * Klamp
11/19/93 – Sathanas * Stump Grinder * Rottervore
11/20/93 – Tub Boat Annie * Blogurt
11/21/93 – Psycho Blue * Clockwork
11/26/93 – Blogurt * Bulkhead
11/27/93 – The Cynics * The Addicts * Pillbox
11/28/93 – Moral Minority * Mount of Offense

12/1/93 - Halo Effect * Beaner's Nobody System
12/3/93 – The Addicts * Critics * Cruel
12/4/93 – Boogie Man Smash * Wimp Factor 14 * Thickhead Grin
12/5/93 – Savagery * Slamwitch
12/9/93 - Hector in Paris
12/10/93 – Bone of Contention * The Pundits * Minalist Love Gods * Hungry Bill
12/11/93 – Big Chief * Father * A.T.S.
12/12/93 – Die Monster Die * Cold Mentally
12/17/93 – Barefoot Serpents * Green House 27 * Ms. Lum
12/18/93 – Feral Family * Monkey House * Emily Brittan
12/19/93 – Savagery * Vendetta
12/23/93 - Scapegrace * Social Outcast
12/26/93 – Vendetta
12/31/93 – Thickhead Grin * The Addicts * Hungry Bill

List last updated 4/27/22

Little did the Leonards know that the cops would shut them down on this night for being too loud.
Too loud?  These dancers don't seem to mind the volume.

Xenophobes used to wonder what evil lurked within the walls of the Banana, but in reality it wasn't unusual to see a nice family like this one, having a good time watching a son or a brother perform.

This elevated stage wasn't there in the beginning.  Anybody know when it was added?

Axis-Y at the Banana, probably 1993.  Courtesy of John Hargnett, at extreme left on guitar.  Others are, from left to right, Ed Dillon (vox/bass), Rich David (drums), and Frank Nemchick (guitar).  John is wearing the Black Flag tee shirt he purchased at their show on 10/15/84, which was also his first show as a fan.

Links last checked 2/21/25