Videos of punks roaming about Pittsburgh in 1985 courtesy of David Bellard.

The Cynics canceled (see below).

Above gig posters courtesy of Paul Bucciarelli, who created them.  
Courtesy of Bob Spieler.

Affordable Floors gig posters here on this page courtesy of Kirk Botula.

1/1/85 - The Cynics (listen)
1/4/85 - Black Roze
1/5/85 - Bad Connection
1/11/85 - Otto's Chemical Lounge * Thirsty Brats
1/12/85 - The Beating (listen) * Day Glow Radio
1/15/85 - The Beating * Day Glow Radio
1/18/85 – Carsickness * Thirsty Brats
1/19/85 - The Shunts
1/24/85 - Screaming Mailboxes of Destiny
1/25/85 - The Beating
1/26/85 - Spuds * Day Glow Radio

2/1/85 - The Amazing Flies
2/2/85 - 8 Balls
2/8/85 – Quest * Dorian Gray
2/9/85 - Rude Buddha
2/15/85 – The Fuzztones (photos) (listen) * White Cross
2/16/85 - Little Wretches * The Cynics
2/23/85 - The Service * The Beating
2/24/85 - Half Life * Poisoning * 99 Cents

3/1/85 - The Shunts * Actual Size * Affordable Floors
3/2/85 - The Infidels * The Beating
3/8/85 - Lung Overcoat * Day Glow Radio
3/9/85 - Spuds * The Khakis
3/15/85 - The Form
3/16/85 - Standard Deviation * Thirsty Brats
3/17/85 - Suicidal Tendencies (listen) * Half Life * Savage Amused
3/22/85 – Shades * Eraser Head
3/23/85 - China White * Eraser Head
3/27/85 - M.I.A. (listen) * 99 Cents * Savage Amused * Screaming Mailboxes of Destiny
3/29/85 - The Cynics * Eraser Head (listen)
3/30/85 - Hector in Paris * Poor Girls

4/4/85 - City Child
4/5/85 - The Shades * Cheese Whiz & the Saltines
4/6/85 - The Service * The Form
4/10/85 - UK Subs * Exploited * Half Life * Savage Amused
4/12/85 - The Cynics * Fallout Shelter
4/13/85 - Actual Size * Cousin It
4/15/85 - Diet Plan
4/18/85 - MRN
4/19/85 - The Riffs * Day Glow Radio
4/20/85 - Mephisto Waltz * Affordable Floors * Movies:  You Can Survive the A-Bomb * Revisions
4/22/85 – Minutemen (set list - early show late show)  (listen - early show late show)* Half Life * The Riffs
4/25/85 – Samhain (set list) (listen) * Half Life * 99 Cents * Savage Amused
4/26/85 – The Cynics * The Bats
4/27/85 – The Shades * Fury
4/28/85 – Broken Talent * Screaming Mailboxes of Destiny (listen) * 99 Cents * No Scabs * Th' Inbred

5/3/85 – Glass Eye * Eraserhead
5/4/85 - The Shades
5/9/85 - Sub Humans (listen) * Scream * Half Life
5/10/85 – The Wretches * Bad Martyrs * Half Life
5/11/85 – Day Glow Radio * The Riffs
5/12/85 – G.B.H. * Half Life * Screaming Mailboxes of Destiny
5/16/85 - Four Play
5/17/85 - The Outnumbered * The Cynics
5/18/85 - The Shunts * Adventure Playground * The Wretches
5/19/85 - Raw Power (listen) * Savage Amused * Breakouts * 99 Cents * Half Life
5/22/85 - Great Plains (listen) * The Bats
5/23/85 - The Wretches * Resonance
5/24/85 - The Cynics * Bad Martyrs (listen) * Special Ed
5/25/85 - What If Thinking * Hector in Paris
5/26/85 - Agnostic Front (set list) (listen) * Savage Amused * Half Life
5/27/85 - 2000 Maniacs
5/30/85 - Ugly Americans * Moist * Savage Amused
5/31/85 – Life After Death * The Shades

6/1/85 - Affordable Floors * Special Ed
6/2/85 - Battalion of Saints * Half Life * The Guns
6/6/85 - Blackout
6/7/85 - The Wretches * Hello Betty
6/8/85 - Scream Theatre * Adventure Playground
6/9/85 - The Cynics * The Bats
6/12/85 - Killdozer * Screaming Mailboxes of Destiny
6/14/85 - Plan 9 * Actual Size * The Shunts
6/15/85 – Fifth Column * Polkaholics * Wild Kingdom
6/16/85 - Hector in Paris
6/19/85 - Ill Repute * Ground Zero
6/21/85 - The Wretches * Take One With Ameil
6/22/85 - Hector in Paris * Radio Café
6/23/85 - The Cynics (listen) * The Service * Little Wretches
6/27/85 - The Brats * Savage Amused
6/28/85 - T.S.O.L. * Savage Amused * The Brats
6/29/85 - Affordable Floors * The Wretches * Between the Beat
6/30/85 - Dead Milkmen (listen) * Half Life * Vampire Lezbos * Bodies in Panic * Disorderly Conduct

7/5/85 - Paisley Jungle * The Cynics
7/6/85 - Fright Wig * Moist * Savage Amused * Little Wretches
7/7/85 - Half Life * Don't No * Rebels & Infidels (listen) * Savage Amused
7/12/85 - Wild Kingdom * The Party * The Pyre
7/13/85 - Bill Dorsey* Spuds * The Khakis
7/14/85 – Ill Repute * Scared Straight * Half Life * Godspeed
7/17/85 - Miracle Workers * The Cynics
7/18/85 - Iron Fist * Civilian Terrorists * Special Ed
7/19/85 - The Cynics * 86
7/20/85 - Day Glow Radio * The Party
7/21/85 - Pagan Rite
7/23/85 - Broken Talent * Th' Inbred * The Idiom
7/25/85 - Half Life * Cancerous Growth * Diatribe * Psycho
7/26/85 - The Wretches * Bad Martyrs
7/27/85 - The Wretches * The Pyres
7/28/85 - Hector in Paris * The Cynics
7/31/85 – Die Kreuzen * The Rhythm Pigs

8/1/85 - Up
8/2/85 - The Shunts * Adventure Playground
8/3/85 - Radio Café * The Wretches
8/4/85 - Corrosion of Conformity (listen) * Stiff Legged Sheep * Half Life
8/5/85 - The Harvest * Los Dirt Clods * Screaming Mailboxes of Destiny
8/8/85 - Micronotz
8/9/85 - Venus Envy featuring Ike Knox of the Cramps * Day Glow Radio
8/10/85 - The Wretches * The Pyre * The Martyrs
8/15/85 - Mad Parade * Half Life * Murphy's Law
8/16/85 - Murphy's Law
8/17/85 – Idiot Savant * The Pyre
8/18/85 – Znowhite * Social Unrest
8/20/85 - 7 Seconds * Half Life
8/21/85 - Brian Brain
8/22/85 - Special Ed
8/23/85 - Day Glow Radio
8/24/85 – What If Thinking * The Wretches
8/25/85 – Out of Order * The Cynics
8/29/85 - SNFU * Upright Citizens * Half Life
8/30/85 - Pop Defect * The Wretches
8/31/85 - Thirsty Brats * Take One

9/4/85 - 7 Seconds * Detox *Half Life
9/6/85 – A.T.S. * The Wretches * The Shunts
9/7/85 – Hysteric Narcotics * The Cynics
9/13/85 – Les Vioxnou Vieux * The Sponges
9/14/85 – Day Glow Radio * Fright Wig * Convenience
9/19/85 - The Cynics * I.O. (Fundraiser for Mayoral candidate Henry Sneath)
9/20/85 – Venus Envy featuring Ike Knox of the Cramps * Hector in Paris (listen)
9/21/85 - Par 3 * Thirsty Brats * Venus Envy
9/22/85 – Direct Action * Bronk
9/27/85 - Miracle Legion * The Cynics
9/28/85 - Frozen Concentrate * The Little Wretches
9/29/85 -The Cynics

10/1/85 - New Riders of the Purple Sage
10/2/85 - Times Beach
10/4/85 – A.T.S. * Take One * Sister Ray
10/5/85 – The Twist-Offs * Zone Bleu * The Wretches
10/9/85 - Little Wretches
10/11/85 – Convenience * The Jury
10/12/85 - Dharma Bums * A.T.S.
10/13/85 - 76% Uncertain * Deformed* Thirsty Brats
10/17/85 - Butthole Surfers * Moist * The Shunts
10/18/85 – The Cynics * Velez Manifesto
10/19/85 – The Service * The Jury
10/20/85 – The Service * The Cynics
10/24/85 - Special Ed * The Jury
10/25/85 - Convenience * The Little Wretches
10/26/86 - Par 3 * Hector in Paris
10/27/85 - Necros (listen) * Moist (listen)
10/31/85 - The Toll

11/1/85 - Brian Brain * The Jury
11/2/85 – Splat Cats * The Cynics
11/3/85 - The Cynics * The Deformed
11/7/85 - Raw Power * Decry * Life Sentence
11/8/85 - Son of John * The Jury
11/9/85 - Zone Bleu * Thirsty Brats * The Royal Crescent Mob
11/10/85 - Necropolis (listen) * bBronk
11/14/85 – Dirty Rotten Imbeciles (listen) * Corrosion of Conformity (listen) (set list)
11/15/85 – The Cynics * Cousin It
11/16/85 – The Nightmares * The Convenients
11/17/85 – Thirsty Brats * Suburban Prodigy * Deformed
11/18/85 - BbRonk * Moist * Necropolis
11/21/85 - 11th Hour
11/22/85 - Home & Garden * A.T.S.
11/23/85 - Zone Bleu * Royal Crescent Mob
11/24/85 - The Cynics

12/1/85 - Suicidal Tendencies (set list) (listen) * The Deformed
12/6/85 – Yo La Tengo * The Cynics
12/7/85 – Doctor’s Mob * A.T.S.
12/8/85 – The Service * PTD
12/12/85 - Zone Bleu * The Jury
12/13/85 – Convenience * Cousin It * Frozen Concentrate * Affordable Floors
12/14/85 - The Toll * The Convenience
12/15/85 - Circle of Shit (listen)
12/19/85 - The Jury * Special Ed
12/20/85 - Teaser
12/21/85 - Wasted Talent * Velez Manifesto
12/22/85 - BbRonk * Deformed
12/29/85 - Gang Green (listen) * The Mess

?/?/85 - Mannequin Lust AMA (listen)

List last updated 1/31/23

Links last checked 2/18/25